This week has gone by very quickly. Everyday we are just studying and that is basically it. But it is good. I have gone to the Provo temple twice and every single time I go to the temple I feel better about it and I think I am actually enjoying it:) I have been studying a lot of french and now I can pray, bare testimony, and recite the missionary purpose in french. French is hard but I know I can get it down if I speak and work hard at it. I bore my testimony this week in French during sacrament and it was really a cool experience. That is one of my goals as a missionary is to bare my testimony every fast and testimony so you guys will have to make sure I do:)
Studying is a challenge at the MTC. It is hard because teenagers and being quiet is a rare combo but as a district we are working on it and trying to make the best out of the situation we have. This week I have been listening to probably 2 to 3 general conference talks every day and my testimony of the Prophet Thomas Monson and of the apostles have really grown. You know what they are saying is true. These last 3 days I have been slightly sick with a cold, so like stuffy nose and sore throat but it is all good. I have learned a lot about my self and other people and it truly amazes me. The gospel is so true. It makes total sense and I feel a thrill and a peace every time I dig in and study.
Thanks Mom for walking Sadie and isn’t she is so cute? Love you Mom for everything you do and you are truly one of the most Christ-like people I know and I am so lucky to have you as my Mom.
Hope your having a fun time in Ghana Dad!? Actually my companion lived in Ghana for 3 years so that is cool. I'm not going to lie the MTC is a hard, weird, awesome experience and one that truly is what you put in to it. Another testimony for me to know that the Gospel is true are the missionaries. If you think about it we are just 18 to 25 year old young men and women trying to serve our Heavenly Father. We do not have perfect testimony or knowledge of the Gospel but we do have a hope and I believe everyone here has a testimony even if they don't think they do.
Time is flying by and I can't believe that two weeks have already passed. I am so blessed.
Thank you Mom and Dad and everyone for everything you do for me and I will write next week.
Have a fantastic week,
Elder Duffy
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