Sunday, February 5, 2017

Seventy-four and Seventy-five

Hey Everyone!

I have to keep this email short but Elder Roemer is going to Perpignan
and Elder Caramelli is coming from Montpellier. He is Tahitian so it
will be fun to speak French with him. I have talked with him a couple
times and he is a really a nice guy!

Love ya all and as well this Saturday there will be two baptisms!
Josie and Teboho! It is going to be to awesome!

Love ya,

Elder Duffy

Hey Mom,

How was the Mandarin? That place is the best! And with Titanic music in the background! That is a dream :)

Do not worry about me Mom :) I have my health and my face is on the mend. I am lucky to serve in one of the luxurious places in the world when it comes to health services and quality of life.
My face is on the mend as well as my spirit. This mission has changed me in many ways in which I am grateful. The people that go through the hardest trials usually bring forth the deepest characters and understanding. But I have been blessed to be one that has not had many trials, and none grand, in my life and I have been for the most part ignorant of the many hardships of life. This brief tiny trial of mine will be over before we now it and it will all be okay. But know I am happy and content with where I am and I would rather be here then any other place in the world.
I am trying to take more care of myself by the way and I am feeling good.

I will send you and Dad the blood results but I am almost positive that there is nothing serious or nothing at all.

Thank you for your love and concern but don't worry,

Love ya Mom ❤️

P.S. Thank you for sending that Valentine's package! Your sending another credit card?

Have a great morning :)

I would like to share my testimony this week on Inspired ecclesiastical leaders

This last week I had a personal experience with our Bishop, Bishop
Rigby. We went to visit him this week and during a conversation we had
with him he answered the 3 biggest questions I had been asking myself
for the last couple weeks, and he didn't even know my questions! I
felt the Spirit very strongly during our conversation and in that
moment I knew what he was saying was specifically for me in my life
and what he was saying was true.
During those moments when the Witness of truth is present you can not
deny it. It is something that is felt in the heart.

I would like to bear my testimony that God answers our prayers most of
the time by those around us. I would like to bear my testimony that I
know Jesus the Christ, Heavenly Fathers, and our loved ones are ever
watching over us and love us. They plead with us to follow the path of
divine discipleship and to love one another. Let us feast upon the
scriptures so we can apply these vérités in our lives. Let us love
others and think less of ourselves because that is how we receive true

Sorry for being all around. Writing this email has helped me pull all
my thoughts together, thus the power of writing and meditation :)

Have a great week,

Elder Duffy